
“To help our customers/patients live longer, stronger, healthier lives.”

Hospital at Home

Hospital at Home is a specialized healthcare model that brings hospital-level medical care and services to patients in the comfort and convenience of their own homes. It is designed to provide comprehensive and personalized care to individuals who would traditionally require hospitalization but can be safely and effectively treated in a home setting.

The Hospital at Home program offers a wide range of medical services, including diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and rehabilitation, tailored to the specific needs of each patient. Highly skilled healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and support staff, collaborate closely to deliver coordinated and multidisciplinary care.

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Mission Statement

To provide high-quality, patient-centered healthcare services in the comfort and convenience of patients' homes through our Hospital at Home program. We strive to deliver comprehensive medical care, innovative technology & compassionate support to enhance the well-being & recovery of our patients.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to transform the traditional healthcare model by expanding access to hospital-level care beyond the hospital walls. We envision a future where patients have the option to receive personalized and effective medical treatment in their own homes, promoting faster recovery, minimizing disruption to their daily lives, and improving overall patient satisfaction. Through continuous innovation, collaboration with healthcare providers, and a commitment to excellence, we aim to be the premier provider of Hospital at Home services, leading the way in redefining healthcare delivery for the betterment of our patients' lives.

Who can receive treatment?

The Hospital@Home service is a highly valuable treatment tool allowing patients suffering from numerous illnesses to receive hospital standard treatment while in their own home. However, Hospital@Home is not suitable for everyone or for every condition.

Patients suffering from a range of conditions will be treated in the home, but the list of conditions will expand as the service develops. Your Consultant or GP will be able to advise you when it comes to deciding if your illness is currently treated by the Hospital@Home service.

The service is not available to children under the age of 16.

You can view Eligibility Criteria of Service

Eligible Conditions

Hospital@Home provides treatment to patients who have been identified by their GP/Consultant and the Hospital@Home team with a condition suitable for treatment at home. The conditions currently included are…

  • Pneumonias
  • Lower respiratory tract infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Cellulitis (severe inflammation and infection of the skin)
  • Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Post operative infection and post operative management
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Endocarditis
  • Anticoagulation
  • VAC therapy
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Iron infusions
  • Change of supra-pubic catheter
  • Septic arthritis
  • Vascular graft/pacemaker sepsis
  • Total parenteral nutrition
  • Short term IV hydration

Core Values

hospital@Home’s vision is defined by its values. These are:

Customer Driven

Continually striving for excellence while placing customers/patients at the heart of what we do. Continuous quality improvement programme is at the core of our organisation.


Hospital@Home utilises and promotes innovation in the provision of care services to maximise the outcomes.


Decisive and acts with energy and agility. Gives and accepts constructive feedback to improve quality of the service.


Hospital@Home is committed to developing and supporting a culture of continuous quality improvement and will show compassion in all interactions with patients and their families. Advocating for our patients and applying high ethical standards daily by showing respect for the worth, quality, dignity, diversity and importance of each patient we serve and also for the people with whom we work.


Hospital@Home endeavours to maximise its relationships with healthcare professionals to deliver a co-ordinated, quality service which is beneficial to the patient and healthcare providers. Hospital@Home endeavours to ensure that all patients and clients receive appropriate education regarding their healthcare needs, condition, plan of care and set of circumstances.